Monteriggioni, a Medieval Walled Town on a Natural Hillock

Nestled in the province of Siena, Monteriggioni is one of the most important walled castles in the area. We visited this village on our way to Siena during our Liguria and Tuscany summer trip. It is also easily reachable from Florence. Exploring the place takes less than an hour, but you can spend time relaxing there. If you join local events, you could easily spend hours enjoying the village.

The highlight of the village are:

  • The circular layout of the fortification
  • The towers and gates
  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta
  • Museum Monteriggioni in Arme
  • The intact walls
One of the 14 towers in Monteriggioni, Tuscany
Old walls of the medieval walled village Monteriggioni, Italy

The circular layout of the fortification

Imagine winding through the rolling hills of Tuscany, and there it stands, Monteriggioni, a timeless marvel from the 13th century. Perched on a hill, it whispers tales of medieval rivalries, where the Sienese erected its sturdy walls to fend off their foes, the Florentines.

The beauty of Monteriggioni lies not only in its strategic positioning but also in its meticulous preservation. The circular layout of its walls, a testament to ingenuity, mirrors the natural contours of the land, as if it grew from the earth itself.

Originally conceived as a castle in the early 1200s, Monteriggioni evolved into the quintessential fortified village, embodying the essence of medieval life. Today, it stands as a living relic, inviting visitors to step back in time and immerse themselves in its rich history.

The towers and gates

Within the quaint village, fourteen towers and two gates stand guard. The Franca, gazing towards Rome, and the Florentine, leading to Florence, welcome travellers. Curiously, over time, some towers have diminished in height, their secrets lost to history.

Despite its allure, Monteriggioni sees fewer tourists in summer. Amidst the cobblestone streets, pockets of serene romance await discovery. With only a handful of streets, this medieval gem offers an intimate glimpse into the past.

Entry gate of Monteriggioni medieval walled town
A beautiful corner from a local house in Monteriggioni, Tuscany

Church of Santa Maria Assunta

As we passed through the main gate, the charm of Monteriggioni unfolded before us. The Piazza Roma and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta greeted our eyes. Established in 1213, the church mirrors the town’s simplicity and elegance, seamlessly blending into its surroundings. We were fortunate to explore freely that day, admiring the partially restored frescoes and the beauty of the stone arch at the entrance.


Museum Monteriggioni in Arme

Apart from the church, the Monteriggioni in Arme museum offers a thrilling experience with its collection of armour. Enthusiasts can even try some on, adding a personal touch to their visit. The museum showcases various samples, shedding light on centuries-old battle techniques, alongside insights into the area’s historic conflicts.

Church of Santa Maria Assunta
A silent corner of a local shop in romantic settings, Monteriggioni, Tuscany

The intact walls

The timeless cobbled streets and stone houses remain virtually unchanged through the centuries in Monteriggioni. While the town’s walls stand proud and intact, a recent addition is the walkway to access them. Unfortunately, during our visit, repairs were underway, depriving us of the opportunity for a leisurely stroll along the historic structure.

Travel tips

Where to stay

How to get there

  • The easiest way to reach Monteriggioni is by car, exiting at the Monteriggioni exit.
  • However, trains, buses, or even taxis are also available. For further information on connections, please consult
  • Or, join one of the organized tours to explore Monteriggioni.


  1. hey, nice! There are tons of hidden-gem towns in Tuscany, and thanks that you just shared another perfect one!!! I must find chance to visit it.

  2. I loved Monteriggioni when I went a couple years ago. It’s such a lovely Tuscan town. Thank you for bringing me back to this amazing place 🙂

  3. Great and informative post! Can’t wait until it’s possible to travel to Italy again. So many charming villages!

  4. I visited Monteriggioni 2 times in 2014. I walked the walls the first time. It was awesome. Fabulous views! The second time I was with the owner of the agriturismo where I was staying and a couple other women. We had a lovely meal so I got to see the town light up at night a bit. Monteriggioni is much smaller than I thought it would be, but it’s a charming destination and worthy of time. There are some cute artisan shops there too. I bought a very cool, Etruscan style silver ring. You brought back lots of memories for me!!

    1. Hi Lynne,

      Thanks for sharing your experience! Yes, when I was in the village I realized that I could have stayed longer. Especially, when I learned about those activities and seen the light up scenes, I knew that I had been missing a lot.

  5. I enjoyed your beautiful pictures. I have never been there, but it seems like a great place to visit.

  6. This place is stunning wow!!! What an amazing charming little town, a perfect vacation destination for me. Thanks a lot for the post.

  7. It looks absolutely stunning. I would love to go here. I might book a tour this summer with my family.

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